How To Find Direct Factory On Alibaba For Sourcing And Dropshipping, Identify Re-sellers, Avoid Middlemen!
Alibaba Domination.
Alibaba operates in MORE than 200 countries and territories, and is the world’s single largest online marketplace, as well as being one of the largest internet and AI companies and one of the largest VC firms in the world. Its online sales have surpassed all US retailers (including eBay, Amazon, and Walmart) combined since 2015.
Is where you are heading to find your suppliers?
Thousands of suppliers are listed on Alibaba, but not all of them are direct manufacturers and not all of them are honest business people. There are plenty of resellers and middlemen that are ready to take a cut out of your profits.
Sometimes, if you are not careful, there are bad people on Alibaba could scam your money.
In this video I will give you SIMPLE STEPS to help you find the direct factories on Alibaba.
I have worked in sourcing for almost 20 years, what I am going to share with you is going to save you tons of trials and errors.
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